Saturday, January 27, 2007

Why maps are better than directions...

I started my library databases class today. I was to be there at 9AM. Heh.

It takes about 15 minutes to get to the Med Center from where I live. I've been there before, I knew what I was doing. I looked up directions to my parking garage, and because I didn't have an address I settled for driving directions from I-10 going east. I then found walking directions from the garage to my classroom. There is a whole website for these sorts of things. Kinda cool.

The website however did not take into account that three major thoroughfares were blocked by a fun run. Who the hell runs in a fun run through the Medical Center in the rain?????? All those people annoyingly trying to raise money for some sort of charity. They probably thought they were curing cancer when they were really just in my way. Aren't you all going to be back in the Med Center when you get pneumonia? Adding to my luck even more so, for some reason the garage I needed was locked making all subsequent directions irrelevant.

My directions were irrelevant, as were all my maps since they are older than the hospital itself. The cops weren't helpful either. They weren't really familiar with the Med Center, they just knew I couldn't turn left. Bah!

I'd left twenty extra minutes to get to class; I got there ten minutes late. Bleh.

Somehow I'd also forgotten my coffee in the car and all my notebook paper on my desk. I'm the class ditz.

So anyway I need some practice finding information so send any questions my way. Trivia type questions, not "what made Hitler nuts?" questions. Some of them I'll be able to answer, others I won't - but it is practice. Thanks.


Anonymous said...

What Chinese empress is reputed to have discovered silk?

Unknown said...

Satchel Paige was in 1971 and Josh Gibson and Buck Leonard were in 1972.

Assistant Village Idiot said...

Easy and hard version, depending on how nasty your trivia competition is.

What treaty ended the Thirty Year's War? or

What two treaties made up the one above?

What border will you cross first if you travel south from Detroit?

What drink was Mary Shelley under the influence of when she wrote Frankenstein?

This is nowhere near as much fun as I thought.

GraniteDad said...

What was Ben's first joke?

Kate said...

1) Münster and Osnabrück
2) Canada
3) Tea

Kate said...

3) Tea AND laudanum.

Assistant Village Idiot said...

Absinthe. I am impressed, though.

Kate said...
