Tuesday, January 23, 2007

The Test Bank

I have question for my dear readers.

You stumble on the test bank for the trivia game you play for free beer... the test bank also explains why Czechoslovakia is still a country... What do you do with this information?

Hypothetically of course.


GraniteDad said...

Accuse the obnoxious trivia team of using it. Everyone will believe you, since they're stupid. And since you got it wrong and threw up a huge stink about it, you will remain blameless.

Assistant Village Idiot said...

I wish I'd thought of that.

Why is Czechoslovakia still considered one country? I just know this is going to make me crazy.

Assistant Village Idiot said...

Serious answer: you have some obligation to tell the judges what questions/answers you have seen. If they decide you are forever banned because of it, that is unfair, but I think you have to live with it.

On the plus side, if you are allowed to remain in competition, you will get the occasional self-righteousness of disqualifying yourself.

Kate said...

I left out a detail.

The test bank isn't stashed away somewhere that some team happened to get a hold of it. I'm not even totally sure the other teams have the test bank. I've seen no crib sheets. The test bank I found is in the PUBLIC DOMAIN. I found it accidentally. Totally accidentally. I don't think I have an obligation to report that the trivia guy is lazy. His boss already should know that.

Assistant Village Idiot said...

Ah. Then yes, learn the answers and look innocent.

Kate said...

Thanks for blessing my endeavor.
Wanna play trivia?

Assistant Village Idiot said...

I am less and less good, as popular culture questions elude me more and more.