Sunday, January 14, 2007

Tin soldiers and Nixon coming, We're finally on our own...

...This summer I hear the drumming, four dead in Ohio.

To obliterate any confusion:

I have not in fact moved to Ohio and have no plans to do so. I'm actually pretty content right where I am. I am still a history teacher these days, still in the inner city working with a hodgepodge of immigrants. I've never worked for a pet store... I thought it was a funny news story so I rewrote it in the first person.

I was being creative, and I'm not a liar. Sometimes I stretch the truth and spin a few yarns; but I'm a storyteller, not a fraud.


Assistant Village Idiot said...

Why you little witch. I asked for prayer for you at church.

I would threaten you with some sort of revenge, but I find I usually offend people often enough that I don't have to bother.

Actually, I'm both impressed and annoyed. Witch.

Unknown said...
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Kate said...

Dreadfully sorry sir, you weren't the only one...

I thought the title "I only wish this had happened to me" was helpful, though probably ignored.

Thanks for the prayers, I appreciate any ill gotten or not.

Assistant Village Idiot said...

Yeah, the title often is an important part, isn't it? I thought of that later.

Greg Sauer said...

the html links help elucidate things, too.

Assistant Village Idiot said...

yeah, yeah, yeah. Details.