Saturday, June 30, 2007

Harry V

I went to one of those Midnight Magic parties a few years ago. I watched the affair, fascinated with the face painting and magic tricks my friends working at Barnes and Noble were putting on. Once everyone got in line for the book sale I left. Heather and I went to Wal-Mart to run an errand on our way home. There was a entire pallet of untouched books. They were 20% off the cover price you'd pay if you stood in line. I bought one. Heather bought one.

Four years after starting it I finally finished Harry Potter V. I started and stopped so many times I can't count. Other things to read, other things to do... and it is just so slow. After losing my bookmark, I think I read the middle hundred pages twice on accident.

Someone told me it was the best book they ever read; that I just had to wait till the end... er... um...


Assistant Village Idiot said...

I read the first one and thought it was okay. But Tracy and Ben have been big fans, for reasons that still aren't quite understood by me.

bs king said...

Not to knock Harry Potter fans, but when they said "best book they ever read" did you make sure that they had actually read, you know, other books? Some HP fans haven't, at least by choice....

Kate said...

No comment. I would suspect some recreational reading, but it very well might have been Anne Rice. And you know how I feel about her. And I have no other recs from the bloke so I'll move on.