Monday, June 25, 2007

Fortune Cookies II?

My fortune tonight was "You will have a five star day tomorrow." I've also recently gotten "the love of your life is in front of you" and "promote literacy, buy fortune cookies."

So things are looking up, I'm going to marry the cook at Pei Wei. We'll take our trivia night winnings and open up a fortune cookie bakery.

In other news we had our first Magnet/New York Trip reunion tonight. In the continuing saga Alex locked his keys in the car with the car radio on. Jeffrey had locked his keys in the car that morning. To console them I told them, "everyone does it once." Then I looked at Herber, "unless your name is Herber, then you do it once a week." They made him forfeit his keys to us in New York, cause otherwise he'd lose them.

Ok... not funny unless you were there. I tried. Sorry.

Stay tuned for tomorrow, when I tell you about my research on little wooden boats.

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