Sunday, June 24, 2007

The Economics of Time

Today was a busy day for me, much of it revolved around one character whom I will refer to as "Bill." I'll remind you first that I think Bill has a great heart and all that, but that he can drive me completely crazy. We aren't always disagreeing, just most of the time.

I attended two meetings today. Bill was in both. Each lasted approximately 150% longer than necessary, in part because Bill has been gone for six weeks and needed to be caught up on everything.

Here's my problem: Bill's hearing aid isn't working. If you sit next to him you can hear the little battery squeal. I asked him about it once when I noticed it before. Bill explained "I'm a Republican, Kate, I'm trying to save the taxpayers a little money and make my battery last." At least he isn't a hypocrite.

But here is the thing. Your tax dollars and mine are not being spent so Bill's hearing aid doesn't really work. So Bill asks questions, lots of questions. If we billed Bill for our time at our standard labor rates rate per hour... there are a couple lawyers in the group, an accountant, a CEO... it would cost a lot more than the pennies it would cost to replace his battery two weeks earlier. I could even argue he is stifling the economy and driving us all to the nuthouse. Bill won't hear me though.

1 comment:

Ben Wyman said...

Very P.J. O'Rourke. Nice.