Monday, July 02, 2007


I tried to make mozzarella today. First draft... not so great. Me and my brain said citric acid was well... citric acid and I put 1.5 tsp of lime juice in there. Turns out citric acid is sold in the vitamin aisle at *some* pharmacies (er not any actually) and at in the bulk section of a restaurant I used to eat at with Emily(1)

(1) I don't think anyone that reads this blog, save Sam... er... and maybe Greg if he's reading... knows Emily. Anyway update... she's in California being Berkley. Something about feminist literature, Italian, and a PhD. I've never known what's been going on since '99.

Anyway, the second batch worked and I have some lovely mozzerella balls in the *clean*(2) fridge.

(2) Sam and I cleaned out the fridge. Mostly Sam, but you know. I even relabeled the glass yogurt containter in the back with its true contents "cooking grease." I think we'd scared people with the previous label. I can't find my labels so I used name badges I used in history roll plays. So now there is a yellowish orange substance in the back labeled "Hello my name is cooking grease." Stop by to say "hi."

So they said to reserve the whey. I did. I don't have hogs to feed it to... so oh say can you say, what do you do with whey?

In other news, if anyone wants any ricotta let me know. Otherwise I'll throw a Roman/Mafia(3) party. Anyone know how to fry a lasagna?

(3) I'm aware of the historical inaccuracies of attributing pasta to the Roman Empire. But how else do I get lasagna AND togas?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You can make some super-delish bread with whey. It's a party staple in my family (we're that wild).