Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Luke and Caleb

Tonight I had the unique (now anyway) pleasure of hangin' out with two of my favorite boys of all time Caleb and Luke. Gosh they are cute.

I learned a bunch of monster jokes:

What king of dog does the vampire have?
A Blood Hound

Why does Frankenstein have a nice lawn?
He has a green thumb

A bunch of space jokes:

What planet goes up in the summer and down in the winter?

What is in the middle of Jupiter?

What do comets and Wishbone (the terrier) have in common?
They are both stars with tails

and a bunch of mad scientist jokes, none of which are worth repeating.

Then I realized... Luke is five. Luke is reading these jokes to me. Gosh that kid is smart.

Dear readers, I thought you too would appreciate Luke's jokes.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You're lucky he was reading them to you. Usual five year old jokes go something like this. What did the tomato say to the clown? Answer:Where's the banana?
Believe me I work in an elementary school. Then the kid laughs hysterically while you look puzzled.