Thursday, March 08, 2007

Letter from Heather

"As you all may or may not have heard, there is a new addition to the Geiger household. His name is Stanley. He was born in 1983 in Germany, but has lived in California since. I met him online in January, and he came to Texas a few weeks ago. He has already changed his license to Texas, and has passed a Texas inspection! He just got a complete check-up by a specialist, who says that he will be fit for years to come!
He likes camping, long drives, and will listen to any music I put on. He even carries around his own camping gear!."


Honestly this threw me. I couldn't figure out when Heather would have started dating a guy from Germany or why in the world she would get him checked out by a specialist. Then I thought, oh... I bet she got another dog. That seems like Heather, but wait, how can a dog be 24?

Turns out it was a VW bus she's named Stan. Silly me.


Assistant Village Idiot said...

I went through the same thought process. I think Heather was being too cute, but maybe you have to know her.

Anonymous said...

I thought he did all this and Ben hasn't even started the process yet! I was relieved it was a bus. Get moving Ben!