Friday, March 16, 2007

Daytime TV

My mom is retired these days, and while she certainly has found other things to do with her time she has started watching the talk shows. Or at least they are on and she pays attention when there is something relevant on. This has shown up in a number of conversations involving my attire and "what Oprah says." Among them that I'm not tall enough to wear those ankle strap heals.

Anyway. Daytime television told her to go out and get a book about curly hair. So she did. She read it, and then passed it on to me. So in summary:

1) I don't have to wash my hair every day like my mother told me to.
2) I don't have to blow dry my hair like my mother told me to.
3) I don't have to brush my hair like my mother told me to.

It also didn't say anything about eating the crust of your bread to make your hair curlier.

Thank you Oprah.


Assistant Village Idiot said...

Naw, eating the crusts of your bread puts hair on your chest.

Anonymous said...

My mother used to say that to me all the time. Why I don't know. My hair is curly - too curly especially in Houston!