Sunday, March 04, 2007

The church school class of one

This Sunday my class took a hit. The confirmation class started up, now much of my class is gone. Not that it was ever really big to start with. So today it was Ethan, Bruce (the other teacher), and myself.

By Parker's request (Parker who wasn't there Parker) we watched a clip from the Matrix. You know, that classic "blue pill" vs. "red pill" clip that was the faith-in-the-real-world/mainstream-media outreach tool in 2004.

So it was Ethan. Quiet Ethan. Ethan in sixth grade who plays tennis and has a turtle habitat cause his mom doesn't like dogs. Ethan who exists, says some stuff sometimes, drinks coke and looks at me like I'm crazy. So really the class was Bruce and I talking to each other, trying to give Ethan something to relate to. Somehow it wound up sounding a lot like my economics class.

Ethan picked Mission Impossible II for next week, that lesson from the book is all about "personal relationships"... that should be fun.

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