Wednesday, August 02, 2006

On documentaries

Tonight I was blessed with the opportunity to watch not one but two great documentaries. It is truely one of the greatest artforms known to man. That is, if you chose your topics wisely.

While Michael Moore has put out some pretty powerful (and *slightly* biased) material, I'll have to say there are better subjects out there. March of the Penguins had its moments with the appropriate balance of romance and well death. That was not a film for children. "Disappear" is a euphamism that children understand. The Momma Penguin died, and they know it.

Subject matter is extremely important when creating a documentary. Of course it helps to have a few "tornado victims" thrown in there for good measure. And a panoramic shot of the prarie going by at 36mph. Those are necessary elements. But back to the subject.

The films tonight were:

"Growin' a Beard," a documentary of the donegal beard growing contest in Shamrock, Texas.

"The 72 oz. Steak" in which one soul attempts to eat a 4.5 lb steak with a salad, a baked potato, and a roll in under 60 minutes. I won't spoil the end.

Another of my favorite documentaries comes from PBS, "Sandwiches You Will Like!" features hallmark sandwiches from around the country. Loosemeat, muffalleta, Italian Beef, and Thelma's BBQ. This one gave me a life goal and vacation spots (outside of major league ballparks).


Anonymous said...

There's no slight about Michael Moore's bias. Also, you left out that the 72 oz. Steak competition also included a spicy shrimp cocktail. Gotta love Texas.

bs king said...

I would like to see a documentary about how it's very easy to get a little disheartened when your planet has been blown up, the woman you love has vanished in a misunderstanding about the nature of space-time, the spaceship you are on crashes in flames on a remote and Bob-fearing planet and all you have to fall back on are a few simple sandwich-making skills. That's a documentary I'd find useful.