Saturday, July 07, 2007


Apparently more people got married today than any other day that's been recorded... 7-7-7.

In our world it was the third and fourth shindigs of the Waitman-Dikeman aka Dike-man wedding. Which begs the question: was this the first keg party to be thrown at Dr. and Mrs. Dikeman's house?

It was, at least to their knowledge.


Anonymous said...

A little back story for the readers unfamiliar with certain details. My wedding gift to Neal and Karen was two kegs of beer for today's party, so I not only furnished the beer for the first keg party at the Dikemans', but the first TWO KEG party at the Dikemans'. Other than that, I saw Mrs. Dikeman awake well past 10 PM, which is a rare feat for anyone not in her immediate family.


Ben Wyman said...

I think I told you, I have a pastor friend who did a wedding at midnight, because the couple wanted to be first. She decided not to tell them about, uh, time zones.

Why 7-7-7? Who cares? Why not 5-5-5? Was April 4th a huge day three years ago? I thought 1-1-1 was pretty cool, but this is silly.