Saturday, July 28, 2007

The Big Review

Ok, this is a little late, but here's the review of The Simpsons' Big Movie.

First I'll say if you aren't already a Simpsons fan, if you don't already like a sarcastic, dry humor you can stop reading now. I don't think that will actually eliminate any of my fair readers, since well... thats the company I keep. Kind of.

I went to Bible study (actually not Bible study these days but Lewis study) before the show. I wore my "Someone in Springfield Loves Me" shirt (it's Milhouse) and much to my chagrin my friends asked me where Springfield is. I don't know... from the state line you can see Ohio, Arizona, Maine, and Kentucky... it's within hours drive of Knoxville and South Florida...

Anyway... to answer my friends' t-shirt question... "it's the movie." "What movie? That movie you are living for is coming out in November." "Oh you mean Hairspray?" Some of my friends are uh... different these days. That's why they weren't invited.

I promised a review though. I'll say, if you are still reading... go see it. Remember in college when you used to gather around the twelve inch television and watch it on the futon? Remember how it it was just better back then? That's what you are paying for. To watch it with other people who love the Simpsons, but on a much larger screen, with much better colors... the reception is good, no static and only one commercial. It isn't the same watching it by yourself.

The script feels like it was written back then as well, which should get rid of any worry that it is just "weird."

It does play out like an extended episode, and unfortunately most of the focus is on the nuclear family. There is a reset... and all is well (I think, this could be debated). Oh, and FOX and the FCC didn't get to it. Not to say that it is "raw and uncut" by any means. This isn't South Park...

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