Monday, July 09, 2007

I'm not getting evicted!

In the ever continuing mount of complaints against my landlord...

Friday I got a phone call. From Sam, mind you, that we hadn't paid rent. This wouldn't be the first phone call, and given that we're probably not moving any time soon it probably won't be the last.

One: Sam isn't on the lease, he's an "occupant."
Two: The other phone call went to my mom, who most certainly isn't on the lease either.
Three: I've changed my phone number with them at least half a dozen times in the last four years. They've never written it down or put it in the computer...

Anyway, rumor had it I hadn't paid rent. I most certainly had. Two days early because the 1st fell on a Sunday. The check had CLEARED.

I went to the office. They close at 6PM. Except for on Fridays when it rains when they close at 5PM... since they all live an hour away and it was flooding (they are all supposed to live on site). I know this now cause the guy that works there told me as he went out to walk his dog.

So I called Saturday. No one there to actually help me (only the guy that can find keys and MAYBE find my package... the one that was walking his dog). He told me to call back Monday. So I did.

So they found my check, she'd "cashed it with like five or six others but like oh my gawd some reason didn't post them." Beh.

I miss Sunshine and the sunshine.

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