Monday, April 09, 2007

In case you are interested in Educational Reform

Here is an article from the district that might be of interest. Here is the Chronicle's take. And if that wasn't enough here is another article.


Barakah said...

Have you decided your take on this move...

Unknown said...

I think it is good for the neighborhood.

Anonymous said...

i wonder how YES can be that successful (100% of students to 4 year colleges?) there are lots of urban charter schools with intense educational programming that don't do as well. since i'm not in the high school scene, i'm also wondering why the small learning community theory is so successful. is that really what was missing all those decades?

anyhoo. hi kate!

Assistant Village Idiot said...

Reform is always mixed, as jerks leap onto both the reform and anti-reform platforms for their own ends and disguise what's really going to happen. Sigh. Like the rest of life, it's going to be an "on balance" proposition.

More dramatic reform here:

Unknown said...

To graduate from YES you must first be accepted to a four year college. Then again, if you graduate from a high school you are automatically accepted to University of Houston, Downtown.

Greg Sauer said...

None of the linked articles really explained what is expected to actually happen. What do these charter schools do that leads to such success? How will they actually help or integrate with the public schools?