Sunday, April 01, 2007

I have been tagged, so I tag thee!

I was tagged by Jay. Since I haven't written much lately (someone thought it weird that I wasn't writing when I was on Spring Break... I'm not on Spring Break, that's your cousin that goes to private school) and there 's 50 minutes till The Simpson's (and it probably will be preempted anyway) I'll play the game.

So the rules:

1. Get tagged.

2. List five things that have not been revealed on your blog.

3. Tag five others.

So away we go.

1.) Every Easter for the last 12 years I've made Baklava. As in the Greek dessert. One year it was ruined (due to a ghetto baking pan I borrowed in college) but every year I've made it. I don't like walnuts so I use pecans. In the past I've observed Lent much more carefully than I have in recent years. One year I gave up all artificial sugars for 40 days. So I made a pan of baklava to celebrate the Resurrection.

2.) One of my best friends in the world is my brother. I wouldn't tell him though. We are completely opposite and completely the same all at the same time. I'd like to meet a guy like my brother minus the agnosticism. Applications and resumes can be sent to

3.) I'll steal this subject from Jay. I was baptized a Presbyterian and raised in that church. I went to an Episcopalian elementary school and I was confirmed in middle school. I figured out what the heck faith was when I was fifteen when I hung out with a fundamentalist youth pastor one summer. Somehow I missed that in the Bible School songs of childhood and the legalism of confirmation. I went to a Methodist university (you wouldn't know it) and rediscovered the Bible and organic Christian communities (as opposed to the governments of the Presbyterians). I came back to Houston because of the church of my youth... which I simultaneously feel completely a part of and apart from. I still feel called to be there, but I hate church politics and yet I seem to constantly pulled into them. So I went off to find something else for nourishment. That took three years. I live in the Bible Belt.

4.) I started college as a math education major. I changed at the end of freshman year because I didn't like the homework and I couldn't talk about it at parties. I picked history because I'd had a professor (Zvi Ben-Dor) who was absolutely brilliant and could deliver his lectures with no notes whatsoever. I try to do this, I figure if I don't know it off the top of my head (ok I reread things before I teach it) then there isn't really a reason for my students to know it either.

5.) Ms. Pye told me Friday that I was a bigger baseball fan than she was. She said I knew all the statistics, all the players, and I just paid more attention. We both went to the World Series when it came to town. She then started talking about all these outtakes from such and such game and from so and so's best season. I do like baseball a lot, some of my earliest memories are of watching the Astros in the Dome. But I don't like baseball for all the statistics, I like it because it is a slice of Americana which has occupied countless evenings in my life. I like it because watching a game forces you to leave everything else at home/work and just chill. I need to go get my rolls of Big League Chew.

And now you know the rest of the story.

I tag:





and AVI


Anonymous said...

Haha, I'm one of your best friends. I'll start referring to myself as "Bestie" in your presence. Also, I'm not agnostic. I'm going with 'secular humanist' now, since 'atheist' really puts a lot of people off. Also, don't mess with Big League Chew. It's pretty bland aside from the wallop of sugar flavor.

Assistant Village Idiot said...

I am a baseball statistics history person, so we would have some overlap. You might like The Iowa Baseball Confederacy, by Kinsella, who wrote the book that "Field of Dreams" was based on, Shoeless Joe. It was a Ben & Dad favorite, and we had similar opinions about his more recent book as well. I scared Ben to death during a Babe Ruth League game with an IBC reference when he was 13. Did you know that Ben was a decent second baseman in his day? Couldn't hit well, but great at steals, pickoffs, etc. I'm big on Negro League history, nostalgia, and Hall of Fame. I don't know much on statistics after 1986, but I know 1916-1986 pretty well. Bethany's Dad is very good.

Sam, careful with those humanists. They were originally Christians (see Erasmus) and might lead you astray.

Kate, your denominational history and struggles suggest that you might be a good source for Emerging Church opinions. I'm writing to Bethany and Be, and just decided to add you to the letter.

Thanks for tagging me, I think. I have no idea who I'll tag.