Saturday, April 21, 2007

I think they think I'm a lush

I was forwarded this article twice this week, both times by people that serve on the Session with me. This is particularly amusing when you factor in the "mom is a nutritionist" and "brother is a brewer" factors.

Vince threw a surprise party for his mom tonight. It was a sweet gesture, as she is indeed a true saint. After several spring rolls and beef on a stick and meat with various vegetables and some ice cream that tasted like bad chocolate (until Bonnie told me it was coffee and not bad chocolate, then 'twas all good) I'm home. I complimented Andrew on his guts, and by the way, Greg, he is saving for your nursing home. I'll tell you why later, but you won't like it.


Assistant Village Idiot said...

Oh yeah... thanks, Kate!

Drinks with umbrellas.

bs king said...

I bought some truffles last week and thought they were really sub-par, until I read the box and realized they were mocha and not straight chocolate. Funny how that works.