Sunday, May 06, 2007

Airport friends

The previously mentioned Neal has a theory on social capital that is worth noting.

You can assess your friendships on "the airport test." Who among your friends would you be willing to, in a pinch, take to the airport at 6AM? Who among your friends would you be willing to ask to take you to the airport at 6AM? At what point would you look up "taxi" in the yellow pages?

He believes you should have no fewer than five. Some of these should actually live in the same city that you do.


Assistant Village Idiot said...

There are certain favors I hate doing and certain ones I love. Driving someone to the airport (or picking them up) at odd times I actually enjoy. Even if it's Boston.

I hate to ask for favors. Just pride, I guess. I would call the taxi myself. I have few people I would call unless death were involved.

Ben Wyman said...

I'm with AVI. I don't like asking people for large-scale favors like taking me to the airport at an inconvenient time. Usually I'll even avoid mentioning that I'm going to the airport at all so that no one feels obliged to offer.

And I, too, kind of like picking people up from the airport at strange times. I have no explanation why this is enjoyable.