Sunday, May 20, 2007

Christian Love and Crazy Ladies

On Wednesday I got home to find that a woman by the name of Rosemary had called and left a message on my machine. She got my number from "Patty at church" and she wanted to come to my Sunday School class and wanted some information.

Strange yes, but it's happened before so I called her back.

She did want to come to my class "the singles class..." It is the singles class cause I'm in it. She said she was a little old for the class, but she really wanted to come to church - since she hadn't been there in awhile.

There was only one problem... she needed a ride, but only for this Sunday. After that she'd have a friend bring her. Ok... not a problem, I can probably get someone to do that (not going to be me by myself for sure).

But oh wait... she lives "kinda far" as in by the airport. A solid hour's drive there and back. Huh. Ok. So I called the church and told them about it. Sound's fishy, yes, but who am I to make that decision... not sure I want her in my Sunday school class though. My mom swore she's talked to her before...

And why did they give out my phone number?

So all is fine in my world. Until she called again on Friday. I didn't get home 'til later so I didn't call her back. Then she called again. At 9AM on Saturday. Okay, this lady is nuts.

Someone though still volunteered to bring her, with the idea that she clearly needed help (actually I think it is all just a scam at this point, but you know...).

She didn't make it to church though. Apparently if you look up her name on the Internet (I never got the right spelling) there are a couple places that say she's done this before.
Apparently then she asks for money from everyone and gives a speech during the prayer requests. That would have been awesome.

So something "came up" and we can't pick her up, but we are looking forward to seeing her next week when she has her own ride... which she won't have.

Other random fact: I'm pretty sure she's been to our church before.

1 comment:

Assistant Village Idiot said...

Gift cards are nice, and can't be used for drugs - well, only at a discount, and then someone else gets food.

Or "what's your landlord's name and address, so we can send it to him directly?"