Sunday, October 01, 2006


If you've paid attention much in the last ten years you might have noticed there are some reoccuring themes in my life. They tend to come up every six months or so, others only resurface once every two years or so. Still they resurface and resurface and resurface. A lot of the time I just push them back under the rug. You know, a healthy reaction... :-)

One of these reoccuring themes came up again this weekend, the wise B.S. King pointed it out: "It sounds like you aren't really sure where you are going again." Heh, yeah. Ha, every six months or so I rewrite my game plan. Sometimes it is because I hear my call loud and clear (yikes! I think God is talking to me again) and sometimes it is just because I get bored. In this case it might be a little from both columns, but I'm starting to feel things get mixed up again. And stir and stir and stir. Gulp, I was just getting comfortable (and bored).

So if you don't mind prayin' for someone (who you might not even know) I think I'm in for another season of change.

I think I want to throw up.

1 comment:

bs king said...

As someone who loves you, let me point out that you also are constantly improving. Kate, you were pretty kick ass when I met you seven years ago, and it's very impressive that you're even cooler now. Where ever you wind up, they'll be lucky to have you. Don't be afraid.