Tuesday, October 03, 2006

The Crew

Tonight I had the pleasure of hosting a corps of complete strangers. Except for one, but they didn't know how in the world they had secured an invitation to eat scrumptious chili and state-famous Blue Bell ice cream. So the question was, "how did you meet?" My answer, "we met one night on the boardwalk and it was true..." then Dorothy cut me off. We were left with not much than "we were friends of friends who became friends in the midst of well, a year of - for lack of a better word - drama. Then we led a Bible study together. Heh, we led Mark Study together. You know how it is difficult to quantify a friendship?

Six years later (including two year sabbatical when we were going through hellish years in different cities) we can fall back into a friendship, if only for a few hours among complete strangers. I'm holding her books for ransom so she'll have to come visit me in April (after her adventures).

I'm feeling relatively melodramatic these days. There aren't many friendships I've had that have lasted that long (or with the break) - and the half dozen or so that have... well... I love you all.


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