Tuesday, October 31, 2006

I think so, Brain, but where are we going to find rubber pants our size?

One of the more curious things today was finding that someone from THE WORLD BANK looked up my blog. This was curious as I don't have ANY OPINION about THE WORLD BANK. I SWEAR. I don't even vote.

Anyway this was curious until I looked to see why this person was looking at my blog. Apparently if you look up "leather pants" on the Blogger search you get my site.

So... someone from THE WORLD BANK was looking up LEATHER PANTS. And lingered.

A student of mine told me today "Everything is boring, Miss." I suggested he make a hobby of picking his nose or he's going to live a boring life. I hope I don't get sued for his new bloody noses.

I also have two Alis that just joined Model UN. One a freshman that knows too much about NGOs, WHO, WB, and WTO, WWF, and The Who. Good thing he doesn't have veto rights.

And now for trivia night with the boy I'm not allowed to be partners with.

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