Saturday, September 23, 2006

The Beer Institute

Sam and I went to the SPEC's today to buy beer for my library project. I'm building a beer database :-) As it turns out I spent more money on the beer for the project than on the textbook and all the software. Hmmmm... now that is what you call hidden fees. Do you think I can write that off on my taxes as part of tuition? I claimed happy hour on my taxes last year as an expense for work and they didn't say anything.

1 comment:

bs king said...

If you ever get audited, you better hope they don't look at your blog.

There's a guy in NH who just pled a deal to donate the money he was supposed to pay for a speeding ticket (70 in a 35) to charity instead of to the state. Now the big debate is whether or not he gets to write that off, and how to stop him.