Sunday, September 17, 2006


In case you were wondering who to vote for the AFL-CIO has mailed me a list. It begins with the following,

Dear Union Member,
This November 7, 2006, Union members and their families will have the opportunity to vote for candidates who are FRIENDS of labor and who support our issues...

Early voting begins October 23rd folks and the AFL is endorsing, DEMOCRATS!
Babs Radnofsky, Chris Bell (not Kinky), Al Green, Sheila, Nick Lampson (not the write in Republicans)... sure there are a few Republicans... wait no there aren't.

One Democrat though is notably left off. U.S. Representative, District 7 candidate - Jim Henley. Now Mr. Jim gets no support from the Democratic party, perhaps because he is running against John Culberson (R) who has been the Congressman from these parts since well... Phil Archer retired. Also a Republican. Lets put it this way, if a Democrat takes District Seven (lifetime educator or not) it is a sure sign that the Republican incumbant probably embezzled $1.3 billion from the protection of baby seals in Alaska. I'm pretty sure a dead Republican would win over a Democrat in these here parts.

That aside, the true mystery is - WHY DID THE UNION BOTHER TO SEND ME TWO ($.88+paper) NOTICES telling me that I should vote Democrat? Do they think I'm a dummy? As though I thought - hmmm... maybe this year the AFL-CIO is backing PERRY? Ha.

Let's just stick with the status quo and save a little in postage how about?

And, Dad, in case you are reading this: I'm not in a union of any sort - they just keep sending me this mail. They must have me confused with someone else...

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