Sunday, December 02, 2007

Now soliciting suggestions

Every year I buy a Christmas gift for a child that has a parent in prison.  One year I got a boa (as in scarf), one year I got legos.  This year I have a twelve year old buy and I'm to get him a book.  Apparently his likes football.  Any ideas out there? 
Apparently Matt Christopher is for younger kids than this one.  My twelve year old girl is getting a Rascal Flats CD.  She wanted a country CD, so I asked an 11 year old girl and without a pause she said "Carrie Underwood" and "Rascal Flats."  That's a tip for any of my readers out there shopping for preteens in Texas.

1 comment:

Ben Wyman said...

Maybe "Breaker Boys?" They're making it into a movie next year, so I'll assume it's pretty good. Ah, it's probably a good bit over his head, though. Hmm...

Yeah, Matt Christopher is a little young for this guy. There should be something good for his age... what did I like at that point? I'm trying to remember.

Oh, yeah! Why not try some Thomas J. Dygard? I loved his stuff when I was this kid's age? "Halfback Tough" and "Quarterback Walk-On" were two of my favorites. "Tournament Upstart," too, but that's basketball.